G.O. Team Namibia 2007

Let's Get Together!

I am a big fan of the counter over there to the right... sometimes it freaks me out a bit, but nonetheless it excites me!

Tomorrow (Friday, June 1st) we are going to have another team social at Dennise & Casey's home. It's going to be a Mexican theme... maravilloso! Feel free to bring a dessert or drink... Everyone is encouraged to come, time is running short and it's a great opportunity to get to know one another... see look over there --> only 24 days and counting!!!

Also, as of tomorrow all accounts need to be at $2000. Everyone should've received an account status last week. If you are not already there, please be sure to get up to date. We are at a critical time and payments are due to the travel agent.

Our Mandatory Cross-Cultual Training is on Sunday, June 10th from 2:00-6:00pm. It is imperative that everyone attend this meeting. We will be discussing information about Namibian culture and how we will interact as well as learn more about what we should expect when we are on the ground.

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