:-) Mom, Dad, Nicole, Tee, Serge & Ruby… Miss you guys and love you tons!
Nicole I wish you were here with me I miss you! April, lovee you and you would love it here. Jameson, love you… the kids would adore you here. Miss you and love you.
- - Kat
I have margarine on my thumb because Richard poured boiling water on me and that’s the African remedy. No, it wasn’t on purpose… I don’t think. Mike
Hey Ma, Pa and crew, I miss you all sooooo much! It is incredible out here and I may not want to leave :-) I can’t wait for return trips when you can come see this amazing country with me! Thanks for all your support and I will see ya soon!
To all my friends, I miss you all so much! You will be all shocked to know I tried oryx tonight. Didn’t like it, but hey I tried it! Mandy, I wish you could have made it out here with me, but next time, eh?
Matt, I miss you! Hope Ben and jerrys is able to pay the bills without me in the country :-) I love you all! Give yourselves hugs and kisses from me!
Today some of the team traveled to Rehoboth to pick up Maderyna & Memory (including Kat... plus, she is at the cemetary, repacking clothes, by the fire & playing with kids... some of the pics she is looking away though, but she's here!!). She is the most beautiful baby!! Chubby with little black curls. She can fall asleep anywhere and is always making some sort of noise… although I haven’t heard her cry. Richard & Thelma came back to the plot for a braai. SHE REALLY EXISTS!! I have been joking with the family that she is always around right before or after I leave. It was so nice to meet her and I hope that I have more time to talk with her. It was great to see Richard again and hear how that past year has been on the game farm. Tomorrow we head to Arandis. Although my heart breaks to leave here, I am looking forward to spending more time there and really see the place that many I know have come to love. God is leading me more and more to come back here soon. I am just praying for more clarity in that and moving forward with my steps. Please pray for Joan’s mom... Meegs, I haven’t seen any pencils yet, but then again, I haven’t been to any store that may have them… my eyes are peeled :-P love you Laura!! Glad to see you've figured out this internet thing!! :-) Jodi, you are right here with me!!
Love ~G
Shout Outs Continued
posted by germaine |
6/29/2007 08:46:00 PM |
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All content is ©2007 Christ's Church of Amherst
Hi Melissa,
It was so good to get a message from you. I am so glad things are going well for you. Africa looks amazing in pictures and on tv, I can't imagine what it is in real life. God Bless you. Love, Mom
Hey All, it's Sandi D. Sounds like you are having an amazing time. I am thinking of you all sitting around the campfire. Those cold, early mornings still hold amazing memories! Hope you are having fun with all the kids. Dance from your hearts, share your love of life with everyone!! Miss you all!
Hi Jackie and Dennise!!!
Mike, I will meet you at Joe's Beer House tomorrow night for some Oryx!!!!!! G, hope you are keeping all those kids in line!! Have a good trip to Arundis.......Hey Darin!
Hallo Maderyna
Ek hoor goeie nuus dat jy en jou dogter Memory tyd gaan spandeer met pastoor Darin se groep en met Amanda. Ek glo sy was baie bly om jou te sien. Jy moet weet dat ek wens ek was daar om jou te sien en tyd saam met jou te spandeer en vir Memory vas te hou, maar God het ander planne met my op die oomblik. Ek weet ek sal jou weer sien. Ek is baie angstig om van die foto'swat Tannie Germaine gaan neem te sien want daar sal ook n foto van jou en Memory wees. Wat ek rerig graag wil sien is a foto van jou en jou suster Chandre. Ek wens regtig ek was daar om julle altwee n lekker drukkie te gee op dieselfde tyd. Dit is oor julle twee meisies wat die Here my Namibie toe gebring het. Hy het julle altwee in my hart geplaas vir ewig so ook Elaine en die ander kinders. Ek weet HY is nog nie klaar met Sy plan vir ons nie so wees voorbereid.
Ek verstaan dat dinge moeilik is vir jou by die huis en met jou ma en waar jy bly. Weet dat ek aanhou om vir jou te bid. Daar is so baie wat ek wens ek kon met jou bespreek, maar miskien eendag. Vir eers moet jy sterk wees in jou geloof met God en glo ook in jouself: Wanner jy die Here se pad volg sal Hy jou beskerm en vir jy en Memory voorsien. Onthou daar is mense oorsee wat omgee wat met jou gebeur en wat baie lief is vir julle.
Ek verstaan dat dinge soms baie hard kan wees maar kyk op na die hemel en weet al is ek nie by jou nie is jy in my gebede en ek gaan aanhou glo dat dinge reg sal kom vir jou. Jy moet net aanhou probeer. Jou dogter het jou nou nodig as n sterk ma en as jy toelaat sal God jou help jy kan en sal wees. Ek glo jy kan.
Maak seker dat jy met Amanda praat en luister na wat sy vir jou se. Sy is n baie wyse en spesiale jong dame wat ook baie lief is vir jou. Vra haar om bybelstories vir jou te lees wat jou mag help en onthou dan die stories as jy huis toe terug gaan. As jy terug is by die huis moet jy nie vergeet dat jy kan deur Tannie Ricky by die beadshop n e-mail kan stuur vir my. Ek hoop om van jou te hoor., en vertel my dan hoe dit met jou en Memory gaan.
Dis al vir nou, onthou ek mis jou en is lief vir jou.
Oom Don
G - I am glad those eyes are peeled. I hope you are having a wonderful time, and that God is continuing to bless you. Dinner when you get home.
Mike -
God is so good, and he will continue to be. May you fall more in love today than you did yesterday. PS - mini golf rematch when you return.
Hi Dennise and Casey,
Thinking about you both everyday and sending happy thoughts your way. Had the hard worker over for dinner this week. Heading to the lake today so won't be online for a week. Be safe!
Love you both,
Hey girls! Take lots of pictures with Maderyna and Memory for me. I would love to see them!
Hi Amanda L!
Your mom asked me to write you because she can't figure out how to post on the blog thing. She says she is reading the blog all the time, and she loves and misses you!
Take care!
Hi Molly! We figured out how to do this (thanks to Christina Louise!) It looks like you're having a great time so far....a bit chilly out there?? We love the pictures! We're checking the site everyday (Jess and Mem are too). We miss you lots and everybody here is thinking of you guys.....Frederick says hi!!! Love you, Mom and Dave
hello Moll,
I hope your having fun in AFRICA.. have you seen any big Moomoos.. or as others like to call them "lions"? I miss you so much! and so does matthew francis. sorry i missed your call... i was in the shower. I havent gone insane yet but i cant wait to see you! Love you, your favorite person.. Christina
Test 1,2,3. Trying again Mandy.
Love Mom
To Amanda LaFave. Amanda I miss and love you so so much. I am sorry for not writing sooner, I forgot how I did it last year(computer genius strikes again). Shari told me if I published my comment as "other" it would work, and it did. Thanks Shari. So instead of having a code name I am anonymous from now on, . I miss you Honey, and love you endlessly.
Hey Mike,
We used to apply butter to burns 50 years ago. It was discovered that this was like putting grease on a fire.
Proud of you gals to be there and you particularly Dennise. Good for you. Can I come next time please! Gram
Hey Kat! Hope all's well. Don't love it too much...we miss you here at home. Deck's in & the pool's waiting. Love ya, Mom
hey Darin!! seems everyone forgets about you!! promise....next year ... Sandi & I are there for sure!! thanks for talking Jaime into going...I'm sure she's experiencing something AMAZING!!! Hi.Jackie, Denisse, Mike, and everyone else...enjoy every moment!!! god only knows when it will be the last!! thinking of all of you!! wishing I was there!!
I don't forget about him.....just waiting to hear a shout out from him! heehee Hmmmm...I wonder if he remembered to bring any paper? Just kiddin Darin. Love you!
Hi Jackie,
Your beautiful face and those of your daughters has been smiling at us on our refrigerator. Hope you are all doing well and being blessed as you bless others. love carol baer
Hello from Dodi in NH
Hello my Casey and Dennise! Hope all is well. We miss you! Dad is working very hard and the weaather here has been great this week. Thinking of you always. Do your best and make it fun. I want to see lots of pictures. Very Proud of you both. Thank you, God Bless and Rock ON!! Love ya lots,
Hey Ton, Shaw, Case, Jaime, Steph L, and everyone else!
Ok, well i'm sorry if this is my second post of the same nature but i'm not sure that my first one worked.....well anyways, it sounds like the trip is going extremely well, and i hope you all are having an amazing time. I think of you guys constantly. Be safe, and treasure every moment. Hug some kids for me! Hold on tight to your passports! Continue to have an amazing life changing experience and i'll see you guys soon!
Ps-Ton and Shaw, I'm finally brunette! Well, the color's called mocha blonde but its dark i swear! And the green/grey streaks are gone! Hahaha miss you see you soon!
Hey Amanda S!
Happy 15 1/2 birthday! You can start learning to drive when you get home! Woo hoo!
hey ton....just got your grades in the mail today.....you are so grounded when you get home!!! haha...we are so proud of you STRAIGHT a's .....PRINCIPALS LIST!!!..just wanted to let you know!! ranked 63 out of 654!! your a smart cookie!!! and you're making a difference in the world!!!! luv ya!!!
Amanda, Steph, and Casey,
I hope you guys are having a lot of fun! I know that you're doing some pretty amazing things for the people there...please give one of the children a hug for me! I miss you all and will be praying for you guys and the rest of the team.
Hey BFF, its Christen. Hope you are doing well and this trip proves to be a great experience!!! Miss you tons!!! xoxo Christen
Kitty!! I miss you so much! I hope you're having fun over there. I love getting phone calls from you [even though they are mostly for Jama ;) ] Chris says hi by the way. I'm actually at your house right now. Told ya I'd be here ha Well anyways, be safe cuz I want my Kitty home soon! Loveee youuuu baybeh! <333
<3 Ape
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