I am combining these two because the computer is so slow… Currently the only access to the internet is at the Ministry Centre and it’s dial up… now I see why Don didn’t post that often… :-) It has taken 10 minutes just to open the blogger home page so that I can log in. which is good, because I had nothing written since Darin gave me 3 posts, but they are from Word 2007 and save differently. Brenda’s computer will not open the files. I will have to have him resave them and come back. :-/ So first a message from mike…
July 1, 2007
Hey all, You haven’t heard much from me yet this trip so I figured I was due to chime in. Our first few days at Dieter’s were a great orientation to Namibia for everyone. It was great for all of us, but the time came to move on, and now we find ourselves in Arandis. We took a walk around town last night to experience the scene when everyone gets their paychecks at the end of the month. Smashed beer bottles were everywhere and all the shabeens were hopping with drunken party-goers. When we went to church this morning we began by helping clean bottles and cans off the stage. Brenda says it’ll go on until Monday morning when some of them will sober up for work. That’s so wild to me.
We got to head into Swakop this afternoon. It was cool hanging at the beach and hiking the sand dunes. I made sure to grab Germaine’s camera to play photographer for a while. Fun times. I’m sure you’ll get to see some of them when she gets a chance to put some up. Molly stubbed her toe at the dunes and is convinced she has a rock stuck in it, but I told her it’s only a blood blister. (She also wanted to make sure I put that in my post.) I’ve quite enjoyed having Toivo around. He’s never at a loss for something to say and always knows how to make us laugh. I’m trying to teach him an American accent since he makes fun of my African one so much. :-)
Well, I’ll have to chime in more later because if I keep typing I’m gonna miss dinner. Spaghetti tonight! A’ight, until next time. Peace
This has been an amazing trip so far… I had a bit of an emotional time during our transition to Arandis, but God is faithful and I am so happy to be here doing EXACTLY what God has called me here to do. Currently Erin, Kat, Melissa, Kevin, Mike & myself are going into the High School in the mornings and afternoons to speak with the kids about dating and sex. What amazes me is that this is what I have been studying up on this year with the girls back in the States… Jodi… it’s too cool!!! Dorothy, Dennise, Christine, Molly & Toivo have been working with evaluating the children to find out where their levels are and if they are special needs. Jackie is a floater… doing whatever Brenda thinks needs to be done. Amanda is working in the preschool… I can hear her teaching in the other room right now. The dance girls are working with Pearl and teaching in the afternoons… I hear that it’s an amazing time.
I need to spend some more time getting in depth with all that is going on… there have been some rough patches, and lots of amazing times.
BTW Laura… they are filming a movie here in Arandis… rumor has it that Vin Diesel is the star… It’s a wicked small town… told you that you should’ve come!! :-)
Love ~G
And I’ve been asked to give a special message:
posted by germaine |
7/03/2007 06:27:00 AM |
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All content is ©2007 Christ's Church of Amherst
Hi Jaime & Steph, glad to hear everyone is experiencing an amazing time...hope you're eating!!! was a little nervous not seeing blogs but now I totally understand why!! I'm so proud of you for sharing your love of dance with the kids...hope they love it as much as you do!! hello to everyone else..hope all is well!! miss and love you!!!! oh yea....HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!...LOVE, MOM
sorry it took so long Denise!! ;-)
btw... I also have a video to post, but I better travel to the internet cafe in Swakopmund to post it... it will never happen here...
Love ~G
Say Hi to Brenda and Daniel for Jim and Paula
Hi All,
The girls made a video that we are trying to post - will have it as soon as we're able. Internet speed is painfully slow these days. Thanks for the comments - your love and well wishes really cheers our hearts. There are some posts coming from my journal - again, speed issues. But, we need your help and prayers right now. We had to send Maderyna home today. It's a long story I will trapse thru in future posts. Suffice to say, many of our team members are very discouraged today with hurting hearts. Love to you all. And those of you promising to sign up for next year's trip... give Sharon a call at CCA. She'll have an application for you!
Shari, Katie, Beck & Em... love you more!
Great to hear from you guys! Dance classes sound great. Go girls! Hope you guys have a great 4th. What will you do without the fife and drum corps playing for you? I'm sure you'll come up with something! Love you Amanda and Darin!
Hi everyone! I've been thinking of you, team '07, and know you are experiencing many amazing and moving things. I will be thinking of you throughout your time there. A special hello to my '05 team members - I wish I was there with you! Since Jason and I love Namibia so much, I'm sure Sadie will too. She should be ready for team 2020? Anxiously awaiting your return to hear many stories (and to drink Graptiser). Love, Colleen
Hi Amandy,
I miss you honey. I will pray for you and the rest of the team for strength from the One who sent you to Africa to do His work. Life in Mont Vernon is not the same without you. We are going to Uncle Jim's on the 4th, getting out of the country to go to spend some time with the big city folk in Pelham :O). Remember while you are doing your part in caring for those precious children, Jesus is caring for you. I love you without end. Give my love to the team.
Steph!!! thanks for the email!!! of course I came home from work and the first thing I did was check and was shocked to see a message from you!!! I'm so glad the dance classes are going great!! I knew you girls could do it!! Sandi will be so proud of you...hopefully you can take videos of your dancers!! and I'm so happy you're having an amazing time!!! hope Jaime is also!!! I sure do miss you girls!!! and of course...it wouldn't be me if I didn't shed a tear reading your email!!! continue with the great work and enjoy every moment!!! to all the others on 2007 team....keep up the great work...you're all making a difference in the world!!! so proud of all of you....and Darin....I'm in next year for sure!!!! miss and luv ya!! mom xoxo
Hi Erin,
We're at the lake, the weather was a little chilly, but there was no lack in excitement. Yesterday, there was a shooting in North Conway! This all happened when we (mom and I) went shopping up there! It was pretty scary seening the N.H. SWAT team and armed officers on the streets looking in cars, the wodds, and streets.
On a happier note, the Wolfeboro gang says hi and can't wait to see you. When mom and I were talking to Alex he said he also went to Africa last year on a similiar mission.
Well, hope you come back safe, I miss you alot, and have fun for the rest of your trip.
your brother- Patrick <3
Casey and Dennise. How is everything going. Havent heard much' Talked with Rick today at Ft, Hood. He is pulling 15 days of 12 hr shifts guard duty at an ammo depot. I sent him $ for he and some Army buds to go out to dinner on the 4th. Least we can do for our Soldiers on Independence Day.
You guys have an important mission as well. Thank you for doing the important work that you are doing. My hat is off to you. Keep up the good work. Wish I could have gone.
Thinking of you guys and Rick. See you soon.
Love Dad
Hey Kitty-Kat,
Sounds like you guys have lots going on. I'm kinda hoping your talk on dating and sex isn't a how-to. LOL We're missing you and hope you're having the time of your life. College starts in the fall, and in 4 short years, the real world. You're beginning your transition from adolescence into young adulthood, and it's a joy to behold. At least those days when you're closer to the latter than the former. ;)
I've been using your car since you've been gone. I thought you said it was clean?!! OMG. Get me a shovel and a trash can! Clean, for infinitely small values of clean. Don't worry, I left it with much more gas than was in it (fumes). I picked up my car tonight, thank God. It looks brand new, so I guess I won't have to beat the lady that backed into it.
Oh, I ordered you a laptop for school. Should be pretty sweet, and all set up for you. April and her sister are coming over Friday to get pictures taken for their mother's birthday. Should be fun.
Well, I think I speak for everyone including Molson and Charlie when I say that we miss you and hope you're having a wonderful time. Will write again soon.
Hey All,
Happy 4th to you all!!!! Just got back from the Amherst fireworks with the Shaw girls and the Cruz's. Finally got to use those sparklers from last year. Nice show for a small NH town. Darin, I'm trying to keep Shari and the girls busy... We're definitely having some fun, but wishing you and Amanda where here to join in. Soon enough... Miss you all like crazy!!! The house is somewhat quite these days. Can’t wait to have a BBQ when you all get back.
Love and prayers,
HI guys!
erin i hope you are having a blast! and molly i dont think you have a rock in your toe....but i hope it feels better soon ;) are they really filming a movie over there?! thats sweet! if you see vin get me an autograph....and molly have you tried the juice there yet?! ITS AMAZING! i had apple juice this morning and i looked at the ingredients and it said it has concentrate from 9 different countries!....Toivo...make sure to help the girls with bartering at the woodcarvers market .....wait...why am i reminding you? w/e.....i hope every one has an awsome time between now and G's next post ....i love you all! bye!
jakie i thought i saw you today in a car and then i was like....wait....shes in africa....and ....well thats my story
Hey Amanda LaFave
.. it's me, your roomie :) I miss you... ALOT.. I can't wait till you get home.. but of course I can wait since you're working for the Lord over there! We need to have some massive prayer time when you get home too, k? Love you girl, have fun, be safe!
PS Jared says hi too :) He's told me to call you to hang out about three times already and I"ve had to remind him that you can't.. cause you're in Africa :)
Hey Kat!
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! We're so sorry you won't be here to celebrate with us. Don't worry, next year will be better for Ruby anyhow, at least I hope so. We miss you tremendously. Yesterday, Mom, Niki, Ruby, Molson and I went for a long walk around the block; Miss Nik babysat 12 hours. Also, I left Miss Ruby in the living room for a few minutes to do something on the computer and when I came back, she had managed to manuver over to her diaper basket and was pulling her diapers out...I thought it was funny, because this was the first time she had managed to get into something when I left the room. So she is progressing along quite nicely and in no time flat she'll be crawling. Something to look forward to when you come home.
I hope this trip has helped you to see life a bit differently than before you left. Maybe this trip will help you to put some things in your life into better perspective. We can't wait to hear more from you and are glad to see you take an active role in changing the world.
Everyday, first thing in the morning, I open up my Explorer window to see what news, if any, has been posted. I just wanted you to know that I am here and you are in my thoughts daily.
We love you very much.
Serge, Tina & Miss Ruby.
Hi Darin and Amanda,
Went to Amherst fireworks last night. What fun! I think we saw everyone we know in town. Going to the parade today. Heidi is letting us park at her house. I'm hoping to go to Hampton tonight for the fireworks there. It's supposed to rain, so I'm hoping that holds out. What are you guys going to do to celebrate today? Miss you guys like mad. But babe, it has sure been a lot of fun tooling around in your Mustang! Keep loving on those kids!
Hi!!!! We just had egg benedicts made by luke and diane for Emily's 23rd birthday today 7/4. Hard to believe! Things are fine. Be good, miss you, love mike
Mom- hope that your are having fun. I fly to Mt Hood in the morning. Emily will be taking me to the bus station in the morning. she is very excited about getting up at 4am. Take care, Luke
love Christina
Hey Everyone!! I have been checking everyyyyyyy day for news from you. So happy to have an update. Sorry the computers are slow......Missing you all and knowing you are doing amazing things. Dancers, I got an email from Denise and she told me you were teaching and LOVING it!!!! AHHHHHHHH I LOVE YOU ALL for doing what you are doing. Now you can feel it and live it and understand what the true meaning of sharing dance is YOU are amazing people and I am sooooooooo proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zones and doing this. Wish I was there with you, but you are doing it on your own and again, I am so proud of you. HUGS and love to you! G..thinking of you each day. MICHAEL, I was at Joe's the other night and you never showed up!! What's up with that????? The oryx was phenomenal!!LOL........Peace to each and every one of you. You are in my prayers!!!
Sandi D
Hi Melissa, we just got back from the Milford Fourth of July fun day. Bill was missing his home town so we went to his High School, his old homestead, and such, it was fun. We met up with his high school friends and had a a cook out. I hope things are going well for you. I brag to everyone I know about what your team is doing in Africa. I love you and can't wait for you to come home to tell us all the details of this trip. Did you find my letter in your suitcase? Love you, Mom
Hi Erin:
The fireworks here were a bust tonight. I guess they still did them through the rain but we didn't head over - first time in forever! Pasta Party tomorrow night for the swim team and then first meet on Friday at Plymouth State. VERY quiet here without you, Matt, Marissa, and Aimee! I'm sure you will all make up for that next week! Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that we are starting to check out some animal shelters for a new pup. Maybe we will have a new family member by the time you get home! Take care ...
Love, Mom
Jaime and Steph~
Hope you had a nice 4th of July~ Sounds like things are going really good! I can't wait to heat all about your adventure...
Hopefully you are filling up the camera! Hope to talk to you soon.
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