Hey mom and dad. We miss you. Say HI to Bis for us :-)
Love steph and Jaime.
Hey everybody,
I miss you guys so much, hope you are all doing well. How was July 4th? We had some fun times... alright well see you all soon, love you!!!!
–Amanda S
Mom, Dad – I miss you both so much! I know you would both enjoy it here, although mom I think you’ve got far too soft (albeit big) of a heart for it. Dad, thanks for expressing your desire for the high school talks to not be “how-to’s”, very funny. Nicole, I miss you tons and I know you will love it here next year! Tee, Serge, Princess Ruby – miss you guys, glad to hear of her progress and can’t wait to be bitten by those tiny teeth! Renee, Mike, Justin & Jacob – love and miss you all dearly! Grandma & Grandpa – Love you both, thanks for all of your support. Ape, my biff, love you bunches and can’t wait to see you! Jama, love you to the ends of the earth, miss you even more, happy birthday and I cannot wait to see you!
<3333 Kat
Hey Doug, friends, family and supporters,
Well we have been in the community of Arandis all week. It is much warmer here than when we first arrived. We are also all living in a three bedroom house, all 19 of us with no hot water now. We blew out the coil of the heating element so cold showers since Friday morning. Well, Dorothy and I have been getting up around 6 every morning to leave for the preschool at 7:30. There are about 30 kids and we have assessed about half of them. Several of the kids have helped which has been great. Still we did not finish them all. Report writing tomorrow before the big dance show tomorrow night. You would be so proud of Casey. I am so glad that we are here despite the not so comfy accommodations. The people are quite friendly. The other afternoon after preschool, around 12:30 pm Dorothy and I were walking back home to the house (about a 10 minute walk) and as we walked by many of the houses, the kids and some adults would wave and said hello. The kids are so loving and caring. They always want a hug each morning when we come to the preschool. Gosh I have not given that many hugs in ages. I’m sure I’ll be doing it more when I get back. Then I said to Dorothy as we walked, “ who would ever believe two middle aged women (teachers) had been walking down a street in Namibia, Africa on a Tuesday afternoon on July 3rd, 2007”. Of course we had just passed a “shebeen” (local pool hall in the garage of a person’s house) where people come, hang out, play pool and drink libations. I said gee this could be like a Friday afternoon at Country Spirit. Anyway it was a good laugh. After daily preschool we go back for lunch (peanut butter and jelly) just about everyday, then I go to the hall where the girls rehearse with the young Namibian girls. They have taught them the Absolutely Everybody dance. They picked up so quickly and it looks great. Casey has been at the preschool rehearsing, participating in forums at the high school and attending church and nightly walks with the group. They were filming an HBO movie about 100 feet from our house called Generation Kill about a journalist point of view regarding Iraq. No big stars but we actually met a young actor from New Hampshire, living in Hillsboro no less. Can you stand it. Small World. Doug I can’t believe you said you wished you were here because I know I would definitely come back. We should make a date. I know John and Anne, especially Anne would love to come and share her faith, love and nursing skills. Well that’s it for now. Pat, Brenda loved your quilt. She said she never really gets personal gifts and said Thanks. She is an awesome person and appreciates our help. A few of us are considering supporting a severely impaired young boy to go to a special school. It will cost about 80.00 per month. I’ll give up coffee at DD and Casey said she could live without some clothes. Anyway hope you are enjoying the blog. Have some people send messages while you are up North this week. This message will go out tomorrow Sat the 7th so enjoy the week up North and will see you all soon. Casey has taken lots of pics, Jackie and G too. Bye for now. Love to all, Dennise and Casey
Hey everyone!
Sooo, how’s it going? Things are pretty good here, you know, just chillin’ in Arandis. It’s kind of weird to believe that this time next week I will be home and life will go on as usual. I can’t wait to be home and see everyone but at the same time I really don’t want to leave. A warm, long shower would really nice though. To my family: it’s weird not being up at the lake for the 4th of July, but I have some stories to tell you when I get back. The my friends: I miss you all, I hope you’re all staying out of too much trouble, and don’t completely forget about me because I’ll be home soon enough. Thanks Mike for commenting so much, definitely feeling the love. Oh, and Toivo says hi, and Kevin and G are upset with you for some reason because you don’t know that they’re here, or you haven’t given them a shout out or something. So I miss you all, I can’t wait to see you all when I get back but for now I’m going to try to enjoy the time I have left here in Namibia. Love you all, very much.
<3 Erin
I’m making this one quick because I’m about to go on a walk to look at the stars. HAH be jealous – it’s the prettiest thing I’ve seen. I can’t believe we only have four days left before the painfully long journey home… spending way too much time in the Paris Airport (not really happy about that). Anyway, everything is going fine. I’ve been going to the preschool with a few other people every morning. Needless to say, all the kids LOVE me (haha). The afternoons vary, sometimes I go to the dance classes to do crowd control, one day Toivo and I walked around town with a soccer ball and gathered up kids to play a soccer game. I’ve taken like 450 pictures so far, so be ready for the slideshow of a lifetime when I get back. Mike – make Christina read this part. CHRISTINA – You better be at the airport, and force Matt to go if he’s not working. By the way, you should bring me some Dunks because I’ve been craving it like nothing else. And some fries would be nice. MUCH LOVE!
Hey all, thanks for your concern. The margarine lasted long enough for me to remember that I had some aloe. So now a layer of skin just peeled off and it looks all gross. I know everybody really wanted to know that.
Hey Everyone! I am having an AMAZING time as usual. I really don’t want to come home, but don’t worry mom I will. The creation is beautiful, and God is stretching me a lot, and teaching me a lot about myself. I love you mommy! Thanks for the comments, I’m glad you finally figured it out, thank you for the prayers. Lyssy- it made my night to hear from you. Your wedding is only like a month away! tell Gordy I say hi. Jimmy- GOSHHHH!!! waiting for some comments! “I’ve been sitting in my pee pants for two weeks waiting” hehe. Daddy, Andrew, and SJ- hi, I miss you and love you guys. I will see you in a week, until then I am having a blast and mom there is no need to worry. Don- hey teammate! We miss you and think of you often, wish you were here. God always looks out for me and He uses these amazing trips to make me more like Him.
<3, Amanda
Hi everyone! I’m having a great time here. I can’t believe we come home in less than a week! I love teaching dance to the kids here, they learn SO fast and they are doing an amazing job… I wish some of the other girls from ’05 were here to experience it too! Erika, I hope I’m invited to the barbeque you talk about, I’m really craving a cheeseburger! Hi Mike, I hope you’re having a good time in Namibia too… sorry to hear about your skin problems, haha! Hi dad, write me a comment, let me know you’re alive! See you all next week!
– Steph L
Hey everyone!
Want to give a shout out to my BFF! Thanks for writing… I giggled when I heard BFF over here in Africa So good to hear from you babe. I miss you a ton… I can’t wait to see you!
Hey Fam!
Ma thanks for writing me your comments. I love em. I hope you got the email I sent. I had some trouble sending it for some reason. I am having such an amazing experience. Some days harder than others, but I wouldn’t trade anything for the world. I am totally bummed about my pics, but between everyone here I should have a selection of over 2000 pics lol I can’t believe the trip is almost over. These two weeks have flown by. We are heading up to Etosha soon to see some wildlife. I hear there is a lion roaring less than a mile from where we will be sleeping. Freaky! Love ya and miss you!
Hey friends… Ladies I was thinking about Lifetime movie night last night! I don’t miss t.v. but I do miss Lifetime movies lol I hope there were some good ones the past two weeks! Mandy, hopefully you have been recording army wives for me hehe I have a lot to catch up on! I miss you tons!
Hi! Everyone,
It has been an amazing trip…just as I expected! The time is going by quickly now. One more day in Arandis! I have been a “floater” here, spending my time going where I am needed. I’ve been to the pre-school and the primary school, and have spent some time cataloging the books in the primary library. I have spent some time with the mommies from HPOM and went to a ladies group the other night with women from the community and the Zebra team from Florida! I have been giving out lots of hugs, Don! The families and children all love you and miss you so much. I am missing you on the team here too!
Mike T….I made a new friend in Okahandja.....some girl named Jen from Florida? LOL.
I have been sharing lots of laughter with my friend, Cynthia-Pearl, and am learning a few more Afrikaan phrases. Justine and Armando came over for a visit from Swakopmund and will be spending the weekend here in Arandis, so we will get to visit with them more! Shari, everyone is missing you here, too! PD is behaving most of the time. On our visit to the coast the other day, I met up with my friend, Veronica, coming across the street! God is good. What about coincidences? Looking forward to camping in Etosha and sleeping with the lions! Love to all my family and friends! See you next week. Hope Jake, Casey, and Seth are doing well and still love us!
Vark Plek,
Hello friends and family if anyone is reading this! We are having a glorious time here in Arandis. I have been floating around doing a variety of things such as working at the preschool and the high school. There is a big show tonight for the dancers to perform with the girls they have been working with all week. I’m guessing it will turn into a concert too. It will be a good last night here since we are leaving tomorrow to go see some wildlife! See you all Thursday! Hi Dad, Jake, Casey, Colleen, Michaela, Alyssa, Kara, Pat, Paul and Ryan!
Love, Christine
Hi all!
This has been an amazing trip!!!
Rather than go on and on – it is probably very safe to say “DITTO-DITTO-DITTO……” to the above mentioned information about the trip.
All is well! – Mike and Emily it was great hearing from you! Em – based on previous celebrations, I’m certain that you had a wonderful B-Day on the 4th at the lake!!!!!.....and Mike Happy B-Day to you on the eighth!!!! - ….and how OLD will you be?!?!?!?(LOL)
I did have the opportunity to e-mail yesterday – hope you got them – will try again today!
Love to everyone,
Dorothy and Mom
Hola my wife! Getting ready to come home in a few days, missing you terribly and can’t wait to see you. Love to the Fam, Chico, Rosalita, Tyrone, and any new pets that may have been acquired in my absence . I played bass in a band that came from Windhoek last night. Last thing I expected to be doing on this trip! (put a big smile on my face though) I LOVE YOU XOXOXOOO. Mike T.- You have given me no comment love… but I love you anyway. –Kevin-
More Shout Outs!
posted by germaine |
7/07/2007 05:47:00 AM |
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All content is ©2007 Christ's Church of Amherst
Hey StephL, Hi from across the room. I'm having a great trip too! Thanks for the shout out. peace
Hi Mike. Jealous that Nan loves ME? I'm thinking about you though, my friend. I'll put in a word for you and see if I can score you a Team Zebra shirt of your very own.
Your friend Darin... aka The One Nan Man.
Hey Dennise and Casey, greetings from your North Country tennants. Doug passed the site on for us to see. Sounds like you are having an amazing time. Good for you. Hope the big dance night went well. We are keeping an eye on Doug for you since he is so lonely without you guys here. His buddies showed up last night to keep him company until you get back. Hope you have a safe trip home. See you when you come north! Dede and Tina
Kat-thanks so much it was great to hear how u r doing!!! We are so excited for u & can't wait 2 hear
everything u have to got 2 c and do.
We love u so very much! :)
Hey Molly,
haha dont worry ill get you some dunkin donuts...and obviously be at the airport. im at Zoots right now, im glad your having fun in Africa and that the kids love you. Everyone here is doing well and say hello. i cant wait for you to come home I MISS YOU!
Love Christina
Amanda I read your comments 3 times so far making sure that you are coming home. Ofcourse I cried silly. I can't wait till your home, I miss you so much. I even miss your glasses of water around the house with straws in them :O). Why that just made me cry again, I don't know? It has to be a mom thing. Have I told you that I miss you. I just feel the power of Jesus in this trip for all of you. I will pray for the "till we meet again" good byes tomorrow, and the heartache that comes with that. I read once with that "with every hello comes a goodbye", how true that is, and I never forgot those words of wisdom. Mommy loves you without end, and can't wait for thursday to come. Saw you sitting under a tree with two dogs, are you bringing them home?
Hi Amanda S.
Thanks for writing us. I was really hoping to hear from my family today. We watched fireworks in Amherst on the 3rd. The 4th was rained out on the beach. But I hear they do them every Wednesday over the summer, so maybe we can do it as a family when you get home. I love the picture (I assume its you and StephB?) Can't get the video in, but will try from dad's office later today. Thanks Erin's dad for the right url! Jackie, thanks for the note. Give everyone a hug for me. I miss you guys!
Hi Melissa, It will be great to gather others pictures and stories to put a presentation together for Manchester Christian Church. Seeing Africa through a friends eyes will touch the pocket books to better fund these jouneys. To know where the money is going and that it will get there will motivate many people. We have a caring church and family. Love,Mom
Hi Melissa: It,s pops,when I was in South America, with the Air Force (age 19) it was a reality wake up call for me. Now you get the real picture of life in other parts of the world. I,am so proud of you!!!!! TIA (this is Africa)
Hi Melissa, run from the lions don't let them get you. And run from the bugs. How is it at Africa. I hope you come home safe. Love your little brother, Billy
Hey Dennise,
Now I realize that I posted a comment under a different section than where your journal entry was listed. Well just in case, you do not get that one!
This is Doris here saying hi again to you and Case and all your friends. You shared some interesting info. with us. Sounds like you guys are all helping many children, that is wonderful.
Doug is keeping very busy both here and in North Conway.
In case you do not get my prior message, my family loved the chalet- rave reviews.
We just got back from the Lake------had a great week.
You are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
Love and hugs to you and Case and your whole team.
DOris Ann
Dennis/Casey, Oh Case, sounds like you are just having the time of your life dancing/teaching/spreading the word, being such a part of what sounds like a great team. So happy for you to be WILLING to give up some of those clothes buying sprees. Less for me to wash when I come north.LOL
Dennise you have had such an amazing journey, in so many many ways. I bet you won't come back down for weeks and life indeed will never quite be the same for you. I told Doug tonight I want to come. I get so teary for you all, look forward to reading about you all each night, and what you are doing!!! whoops, need to wipe away a wet one. Can't I please come also next year? Would they allow an oldster?
So pleased that Brenda liked her gift, thanks for taking it to her.
Will be seeing you in SEpt can't wait to hear all and see pics.
Love you both so much, and thank you for what you are doing for all there. LOve G&G and Pat
Hmm, does anyone know if PD is still breathing? Did he lose his computer? Did he get trampled by an elephant? Eaten by a lion? Kidnapped by natives? Or was Jackie forced to do him in? :) His family at home would love to hear something from him. We love him and miss him!!
I'll put my money on ...
...Jackie was forced to do him in because...
If he lost his computer he wouldn't have anything to blog with...
No elephant would dare trample him...
He could likely talk the lion out of it...
He would think it to be a sign that he was supposed to be kidnapped and form a bible study....or another band.
LOL, Don I agree! Especially about the lion and kidnapping!
Hi Melissa, You guys must have many mixed emotions as you plan to leave Africa. We are so excited thinking of seeing you at the airport. I finally saw the pictures. I'm a little slow with computer web pages. Nell pointed it out to me. She was looking a the web page. Happy Almost Birthday, we have had severe thundershowers. no surprise, love Mom
awww I'm so glad I made your night with my comment :) and I didn't even think it was that impressive hehe! Sounds like things are going good over there! Went to Joy's wedding this weekend and that went well, it was good to see her, she tried hard not to be too bridezila-ish :) We missed you there though! Only like 30 days till the wedding and we have alot to do! eek! Speaking of which, make sure you give me a call as soon as you get home cause they wanted to fit your dress friday.. not sure if that works but let us know :) Love you!! miss you! Jared says hi!
Love, Alyssa
Happy Birthday Melissa!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Mom There are thundershowers expected today, big surprise on you birthday. ha ha
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